Our beautiful daughter was married to her wonderful guy on 13 March beside the river at Noosaville. It was a fabulous wedding.
I got all dressed up.
So did the beautiful Lilian who relished in her job of flower girl.
I did the card sign and place cards. They were done with watercolours on watercolour paper. I used a pigma No 8 pen to write the names.
The scissors gave the edge the ripped look. They were fun to make and DD loved them
For the first time ever I got to try my hand at some procion dyeing. Here are my fabrics in their containers 'brewing'
Some of my finished fabrics. I used a white sheet from a set we didn't like. They were 'noisy' sheets made of 1,000 count cotton. Very annoying but have now been reborn.
I loved the dyeing process and can't wait to do some more.
Somewhere in amongst all the madness of the beginning of this year I fitted in an online workshop with Jenniebellie and made this journal. It is made with some old sketches gifted to me by Shirley. The sketch on the front cover was done by Shirley too and I am hoping her sketches will inspire me to do some sketching as well. I really enjoyed the journal making process and hope to make some more in the future.
Finishing up with a funny photo taken at the wedding photo booth. My sister on the left proclaiming her love for beer, DH in the middle who states "you only live once - YOLO" and me on the right.
Wishing you all a Happy and Blessed Easter my dear blogging friends.
Until next time ................ Dianne