Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Something I might have thrown away

Following along with Carolyn Dube and her January Challenge " Use Something that would have been Thrown Away", I painted up the packaging in which I received my new stencils in from Stencil Girl Products.Carolyn did one also (HERE) if you would like to see what she did. I would love to get her postage related stencils but I am having a 'no buy craft' month in January and February. Think I will save some pennies and have to indulge in some more fantastic stencils from Stencil Girl. There is so much you can do with stencils.
This side is not finished yet ( I think)
I used really bright colours on this side a la Carolyn and then my favourite stencil over it and then highlighted the flowers with a purple Sharpie and a white gel pen. The gel pen (Uni sigmo) did not do well over some of the surface for some reason.

Our darling grand daughter loves to dance and could not resist a frolic in the summer rain a few days ago. It brought back memories of my sister and me running around in the rain and jumping in puddles. :)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Recycle Art Month

It is a recycling kinda art month with Carolyn Dube's "Let's Play Link up Party". If you go to her blog at you can see what other people have linked up.


I am in the process of making these old diaries into little art and travel journals. It is a fun process and as I do it I am experimenting with using different recycled stuff to use as stamps, stencils etc.

This is a polystyrene tray which I have etched into with an old pen and turned into a stamp. It is my favourite way of getting a unique stamp.

Carolyn has really inspired me to use some vibrant colour and I am embracing it.

Until next time, have fun ........Dianne


Monday, January 11, 2016

Playing with cardboard and paints

Before Christmas I was given 'Permission To Play' by following along with Carolyn Dube from A Colorful Journey blog and started making a little cardboard book.

If you would like to follow along, Carolyn has generously offered this tutorial for absolutely free. Just click on the Permission to Play link and register. You will be guaranteed lots of fun and gain lots of inspiration from Carolyn who has a fun way of showing us how to be free with our art. There is a Facebook page where you can share your work called A Colorful Place to Play.

Here is my little book which I am calling finished - but may not be!F



On Sunday I decided to play around with some fabric paints I have had for years and years. They are a Jaquard product, Dye-Na-Flow. They are easy to use, very saturated colour and can be used on many surfaces. I colourised some backgrounds of pieces of white cotton I had used to try out different techniques. Silly me forgot to take before photos but I was very happy with the finished pieces.

While I was at it I used them on my art apron too which I had made before Christmas. It is going to be worn at our new textile art group gatherings at Toowoomba Quilters. We call ourselves TAG - Textile Art Group. A lot of the backgrounds of the collaged pieces were white so I went to town with COLOUR!! Makes me happy now.

Until next time, have fun, Dianne.