Friday, January 31, 2014

Fabric Covered Handmade Journal & More Pages


Cha & Smile page

This is one of my finished spreads.  In my 2003 diary, I noted our then 19 year old had had her wisdom teeth out – hence the page about smiling and teeth.

The other page had a photo of cups and saucers, so I went with that theme and journalled about how much I love a good cup of cha, and how it seems to be a panacea for all sorts of troubles – well here in Oz anyway!

Blue stamp page

This is another page using my hand made rubber stamp.  It is unfinished.

Doodle & Blue page 3

This page went to this:


Little house page

The inspiration for the little house came from the latest Quilting Arts Magazine and these gorgeous fabric houses made and designed by Jacqueline deRuyter shown below. 

I am definitely going to make some of these fabric houses one day.  They are soooo cute.

little house inspiration

Wish page

The wish page is finished and the other page on the right is unrecognizable as this now, but still a work in progress.

Fabric covered Journal No 1

This is my first ever handmade journal.  I wanted to make a fabric covered journal using my own fabric collage pieces and my own papers.  Seeing as I couldn’t find a tutorial for exactly what I was wanting, I had to wing it.  There were many lessons learned, but ultimately I am very happy with it. 

It is going to be for me, so I am just going to love all it’s little imperfections Red heart

Fabric cov Journal Back No 1Book Pages Journal NO 1

The back                                                                        The inside pages

Handmade Journal No 1 Stitching

The middle of the book showing the pamphlet stitch.  I used a tutorial on You Tube by the generous and talented Diana Trout.

The link for pamphlet stitch

Until next time……………Dianne

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sewing Projects Finished & More Art Journal Pages


The sewing has been simple stuff slotted in between art days with Lilian and general family life.

Painting 01.2014

‘Artiste at work – paint comes off skin easier than clothing and it was 39 deg in the dining room! The temperamental artiste would not get her hair brushed and tied back either!’

My one and only gorgeous sister is having a birthday soon, and I really wanted to make her a couple of placemats.

Placemats Lyn

Her and her hubby are ‘empty nesters’ now, so I did them a placemat each.  I have also purchased a couple of  stable tables for them so they can do activities and eat a meal in front of the tele.  That is what we do most of the time here now. 

I wanted something modern (and easy peasy ) and quick to make.  This pattern in the Quilting Arts Gifts magazine from some years ago fitted the bill.  Hope she likes them. 

Gifts BookPlacemat pattern

Lilian needed a library bag for school, so out of the same Gifts book I made my favourite drawstring pattern which I have used many times now.  I used a cute little fairy and cup cake fabric I bought locally at MK Sewable.

Lilian library bagPattern Library bag

The following art journal pages were done while Lilian was amusing herself with her painting. She was a great inspiration.  Little children have no inhibitions or preconceptions when it comes to art – it was an incredible experience to share with her.

Lilian paper cut

Lilian did this paper cutting with no prompting and no guidance from me

Stencil from Lili paper cut

With her permission, I used it as a stencil on this journal page.  Doesn’t it make a wonderful background?

Hoarded away in my cupboard I have many old diaries such as this one.

Front cover

This one was from 2003 and the little bit I wrote in it at the time made very interesting reading.  I decided to repurpose it into a journal and use some of the anecdote in the journal writing, and utilize some of the pictures into the design of the pages. It usually begins with a coat of gesso.

Inside pages

Inside pages

Our kitchen page

I forgot to take a picture of the before page for this spread, but it was a table with a quilt draped over it.  I have just followed the lines and adapted it to suit what I call ‘Our Kitchen’ page. P.S. our kitchen is NOT these colours!!  It WAS in 1980 LOL.

Since taking the photo I have written into the right hand page as well.  The two pages, although I like each of them individually, don’t sort of ‘go’ together, so I have learned from this.

More pages soon. Loving the process Smile


Until next time……………Dianne

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Doodlin’ around with the Journal & Holiday Fun

The school holidays are over Sad smile and we had so much fun looking after our little Lilian for a couple of weeks before she started school for the very first time. We went to a place called playdough land one day where the kids could go crazy with playdough.  She loved it!
2014 with pdough alien2014 facepaint pdougland
Here she is on the first day.  Sooooo cute.  The hat and bag are nearly as big as she is!!All ready for school
She had a lovely day and is very excited about going again which is good.
After taking the plunge and starting an art journal to explore different techniques, I stumbled across this doodle exercise with Diana Trout.
It is great for coming up with new shapes and I have already used some of the shapes and lines created here in my next pages.  Very worthwhile – and fun.
Doodling Page
Here is the link if you would like to try it some time.
Diana Trout
Also, if you want to expand your drawing skills please do yourself a favour and visit my very dear friend, Kerry’s website:  All About Drawings.
Kerry is one very talented lady and we have known each other since forever, as her father and my mother are cousins.  Our families were always in regular contact and we had many fun times growing up living in the same town. 
Kerry is very generous and has many FREE tutorials and tips and hints on her website.  I know you will love it as I do.  Here is the link
Be sure to check out this amazing doodle one of her talented sisters did for her.  Here is the direct link to that:
First eraser stamp
I found this old eraser in the drawer and it has now become my very first carved stamp.  Very happy with it and I have used it a few times now.
Bubble wrap stam[Print eraser stamp
Bubble wrap stamp combined with my eraser stamp.
More pictures to come of art pages in the next few days (yawn?) and also some sewing I have done.  YES  - I have fitted in a little bit of sewing too. Smile
Dragon FruitDragon fruit mango yoghurt
This is what we call a dragon fruit given to me by my friend Shirley.  Her friend grows it at his property.
It was lovely combined with the mango in my Greek yoghurt, but most of all I love it for it’s vibrant colour.  The taste is quite bland but sweet and very palatable. 
Under the sprinkler
What better way to cool off on a 40 deg day than to hop under the sprinkler and twirl a ‘baton’!!!
Until next time…………Dianne.

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 -The Word & Update on Pearl Couscous

Cous Cous pearl
Firstly an update on the availability of pearl couscous.  It is available at Coles!  Just thought I would have a look and lo and behold, there it was!  Hope it is as good as the Israeli couscous from the deli. It has a recipe on the back of the packet and a link to where you can find more recipes. Also, when I made my salad I boiled the couscous in chicken stock instead of plain water to give it a bit more flavour.  It may have been a little to salty so you could go half in half.

A lot of people around the blogs in recent years have been coming up with a word for the New Year instead of an actual resolution.  What a great idea - I thought - as I never keep those blessed resolutions anyway!
Soooooo, my word for the year  I decided upon is EXPLORE
2014 1st page the word
Here is my first ever art journal page. 
One thing I am not aiming to do is  a journal page a day, like some diligent people out there.  One now and again for fun is my goal for this year.  I am enjoying  playing with all the different media and hope to EXPLORE as many techniques as I can.  

What I am hoping is that it is going to be a  journey of discovery this year in all my areas of Eat, Play & Quilt.

New and interesting recipes to try (especially Mediterranean which I am currently interested in), new and exciting places to visit in Australia in our camper, and new techniques in the mixed media field to incorporate into my quilts and art projects.
There are some amazing people I have been following on blogs, watching on You Tube, and learning from, and here are links to just some of them.  Be prepared to lose some time!!! Be sure to check out their tutorials and videos to lose some more time.

 Agapanthus Xmas 2013

Our agapanthus have put on a beautiful show this year.